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Geoengineering experiment cancelled due to perceived conflict of interest

"Two scientists involved in Spice project to simulate the cooling effect of volcanoes had submitted patents for similar technology"

Category: Climate Change


Water policy needs 'radical' change to protect people and environment

"Ahead of Rio+20, a new report has called for a joined-up approach to managing the world's water, land and energy demands"

Category: Climate Change


Australian project simulates effects of runaway climate change

"Multimillion-dollar study subjects bushland to heightened CO2 levels and altered rainfall patterns"

Category: Climate Change


Australian project simulates effects of runaway climate change

"Multimillion-dollar study subjects bushland to heightened CO2 levels and altered rainfall patterns"

Category: Climate Change


Small island states in clean energy race

"Dominica leads group of 52 small island developing states aiming for a 45% cut in emissions in the next 18 years"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 266 to 270 out of 2977